Life at Vox

Learning the Scriptures.

At Vox we believe that one of the most important things we can do to help us learn how to follow Jesus in life is to study the teachings that he left us in the Bible. We also know that this can be a difficult and daunting task to a lot of people. To make it easier we spend time studying the Bible together on Sunday mornings. Sometimes we’ll work through a specific book of the bible. Other times we’ll deal with various topics we’re struggling with as a community. Doubts are always welcome, and there’s no minimum knowledge you need to show up with to be able to participate. We even sometimes have a chance for questions and comments to be heard and wrestled with during the service.


Discussion Group.

At Vox we don’t think we were ever made to figure out how to follow Christ on our own. We believe that the study of scripture and discipleship is something that is best done in community, together. So we have a discussion group that gets together once a week during the school year on Thursday nights at 7:00 PM. We meet together to discuss what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Then we talk about what that looks like in our lives on a daily basis. Sometimes this means we end up discussing the message that was taught at our weekend gathering the week before. Other times we chose a particular passage of scripture. It is a way for us to wrestle in community with this thing called faith. We know we learn best when everyone has a chance to be heard. For more information about our Discussion Groups, please contact [email protected].


Doing Life Together.

Right after God created the world he realized that people aren’t designed to live life alone. This is something we really believe strongly in. We believe this starts with our time together on Sunday morning. We do this through connecting, worshipping together, celebrating the good and working through the hard things life throws at us.

But that has never felt like quite enough to us. We are always looking for new ways to care for each other, connect with each other, and basically live our lives interconnected with each other.

Social Gatherings.

Once a month we get together just to enjoy each other’s company and share life. We take turns hosting these events in different homes around the city. In the summers, we head outside for backyard BBQ’s. These events are open to the whole family to attend, so bring the kids along and maybe something good to eat to share. If you have mobility or other accessibility concerns, please contact us and we can work together to find ways for you to attend.

Check out our Vox Events to see what’s happening this week!

Rule of Three.

As much as big social gatherings can be great, at the core of how we connect is our ‘Rule of Three’: meeting three times a week for a meal, coffee or dessert with folks who don’t live with you – both from Vox and beyond. This gives us a chance to really get to know each other, to share each other’s joy and pain, and to remember that we are not alone.

Facebook Group.

To make it easier for folks to connect between ‘official’ events, we have a private Facebook group that we use to share concerns, needs, joys and successes. We also use this group to let folks know about upcoming ‘ad hoc’ events. If you’re ready for community life at Vox, please contact Roy ([email protected]) to get set up on our Facebook group.


Whether you want to share it with our Facebook group or would like to keep it more private, sometimes things come up that are hard. At Vox, we believe that prayer is important, and that it can change our circumstances or make us feel more supported when they don’t change. If you would like prayer, please email [email protected]. This email will go directly to a pre-selected group of folks who have committed to praying for you and keeping your requests confidential.

Reach Out.

At Vox, we know that reaching out can be hard, but we know that the more you reach out, the more connected you’ll feel. Drop a note to Heather or Roy and keep an eye on our events that are coming up you might want to attend.